About Us
Our Vision, Mission & Team
We hold a desire and vision to see believers in Israel and the Nations unified through worship.
We’ve seen the power of unity on the congregational level and it’s filled us with a hunger to press into all the Lord has. We know God wants to bring His heart for Israel in connection with the revelation of His imminent return to the entire body of Messiah. We feel Him calling us to prepare the way for this message through worship.
"The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one."
John 17:22
Our Story
In September of 2016 Heartcry of David gathered a team of anointed worship artists and musicians - a collaboration of spirit-filled believers from Israel & from America - and embarked on a journey to Israel with the focus of recording a worship album together live, over the course of one week.
This first album, which released in May of 2017, is a vehicle to carry God’s heart cry for unity to the greater body of Messiah. Our vision is that each project we release will exemplify the One New Man unity in a worship context, as a foretaste of what the Lord wants to do across the world before He returns.
Prophetic worship is at the heart of our projects. For us, this type of worship is about cultivating an atmosphere of encounter where we can hear and express what God is saying in that moment. It opens us to receive and carry out the heart of God. Warfare happens in the place of worship as well, chains are broken and hearts are tenderized making them receptive to truth.
Since our first project in 2016, we released a sophomore album (a collaboration between UK + Israel), hosted retreats and are currently in the final production stages of project #3 (a collaboration between Italy + Israel)
The Founders