IT + IL Worship Collaboration
We were in the middle of our UK project in 2019, when the Lord began to speak to us about Italy. We knew He was calling our ministry there, we just didn’t know when or truly why.
The Lord was consistent to present this nation before us and we began to pray and intercede for Italy and God’s heart for unity between Italians and Israelis. Our intercession then led to an active pursuit. We knew this mandate to partner with Italy could no longer remain a prayer but needed to become a realty.
We planned a scouting trip in August of 2021 - just as Italy reopened its borders for tourism. Our core team landed in Rome where powerful intercession took place and undeniable fruit was found! Relationships waiting to blossom - we knew it was time to partner with Italy, to connect them with believers in Israel.
In March 2022 we saw the fruition of many years of prayer and intercession as Italian Christian leaders from the North, South and center of Italy came together with Israeli Messianic leader for a three day roundtable in Rome.
As we continued to build relationships in 2022 throughout Italy we felt the Lord giving us grace to plan for a 3rd collaborative project - an expression of the unity we have seen and experienced between believers in Italy and Israel.
In February 2023 we brought together our core team along with several worship leaders from Italy and from Israel and facilitated a time of recording in Rome. We tracked 7 worship songs - many of them in three languages. We then flew to Israel with a few of them to film some worship videos and to share with them more of God’s heart for this land.
We’re so grateful for those who came and poured out their hearts and talents on this project - thank you for welcoming us into your homes and hearts and for giving your “yes”.
And a heartfelt 'thank you' goes to all of you who are part of our Heartcry family for your prayers and support. Together we are one.
May we continue to see Jesus lifted up in Israel and the nations. As we lift Him up we know He will draw all hearts to Himself.
::New album coming soon!::

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Our work can't be done without your support! We want to invite you to partner with us as we seek to make the name of Yeshua great in Israel and the nations!
From Our Followers
God is changing hearts through unity in worship and the bridges that we build between Israel and the nations.
"The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one."
John 17:22
Latest Music
Join us in worship, sing together, and see hearts changed. Our songs are recorded in Israel in collaboration with other nations.

Believers from Israel and America came together in a collaborative effort to record this album (LIVE) from an upper room apartment in the Old City of Jerusalem, over the course of one week.