UK + IL Worship Collaboration
In the winter of 2018, God opened a door for our core team to minister in the UK. Through this trip, it became apparent to all of us that the United Kingdom was on His heart - that He was calling this great nation to stand in unity, prophetically with Israel.
We spent the following year traveling back and forth to the UK, getting to know different communities, digging spiritual wells with them and listening to the Father's heart for this nation.
January 2020, just before the world shut down in response to Covid, we brought worship artists from the UK over to Israel to record a collaborative album with worshippers in the land of Israel!
We spent a week tracking songs and filming worship videos, while also introducing our UK friends to some amazing ministries in Israel. We also spent time exploring the Old City of Jerusalem. We love to see God impact His children with His heart for the Jewish people as they encounter Israel for the first time!
We believe the UK has a unique calling as a leading nation and that it will affect many nations in how they view and support Israel and the Jewish people. We are humbled and blessed to partner with worshippers and many communities to release a sound of unity between Israel and the United Kingdom.
Our United Kingdom collaborative album is now available on all streaming platforms.
Give and help spread unity through worship!
Our work can't be done without your support! We want to invite you to partner with us as we seek to make the name of Yeshua great in Israel and the nations!
From Our Followers
God is changing hearts through unity in worship and the bridges that we build between Israel and the nations.
"The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one."
John 17:22
Latest Music
Join us in worship, sing together, and see hearts changed. Our songs are recorded in Israel in collaboration with other nations.

Believers from Israel and America came together in a collaborative effort to record this album (LIVE) from an upper room apartment in the Old City of Jerusalem, over the course of one week.