Heartcry of David Worship
Let's unite and align with God's heart for Israel through prophetic worship music.
Want to align with God's heart for Israel through worship?
You can experience His heart for unity by joining us in worship.
We are a worship-based ministry that focuses on fostering relationships between Israel and the Nations. We do this through collaborative worship projects with anointed worship leaders, artists and musicians. We also host retreats and roundtable sessions to bring believers from Israel and different nations together.
We're contending for the unity that Jesus prayed for in John 17 - so that the world would know the Father sent the Son!

"The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one."
John 17:22
Latest Projects
Partnering with worshipers from different nations to produce demonstrative worship albums with believers in the land of Israel.
Latest Music
Join us in worship, sing together, and see hearts changed. Our songs are recorded in Israel in collaboration with other nations.

In a divine journey uniting Israel and Italy, worship leaders from both nations gathered in Rome to record an album. This project, born from years of intercession and relationship-building, culminates in a 7-song testament to unity and faith across nations.

United Kingdom
"United Kingdom" is Heartcry of David’s second project focused on connecting worshipers from Israel and the U.K. Since December 2018 we have pursued the Lord’s heart for these nations to be aligned in unity through worship and in early 2020 we joined together in the heart of Jerusalem to record this live worship album.

Believers from Israel and America came together in a collaborative effort to record this album (LIVE) from an upper room apartment in the Old City of Jerusalem, over the course of one week.
From Our Followers
God is changing hearts through unity in worship and the bridges that we build between Israel and the nations.
Worship with us in Unity!
By joining us in worship you are spiritually aligning with God's heart for unity between Israel and the Nations.
Watch Latest Videos
Watch our latest videos to stay up to date with the latest updates and music.

HOLY IS YOUR NAME | Heartcry of David | Italy + Israel Collaboration

Nothing More Beautiful: UK Acoustic Sessions